Undercounter DI
Elevate the drinking water in your home or business today when you switch to an undercounter deionization system from Aqua Systems of Alabama. This process removes dissolved salts and minerals missed by traditional filtration systems or even bottled water sources. The under the counter mount means you don’t have to sacrifice precious floor or countertop space while still supplying pure, great-tasting drinking water at the faucet.
Why Choose Deionization?
DI systems use an ion-exchange membrane to purifier water molecules and remove contaminants. Cation resin exchanges hydrogen ions (H) for positive ions, while anion resin exchanges hydroxide ions (OH-) for negative ions. DI systems pair perfectly with whole-home systems that can further remove organic molecules, viruses, and bacteria.
Undercounter RO
Looking for an affordable and reliable under the counter drinking water solution? Then try the undercounter reverse osmosis system from Aqua Systems of Alabama! This multi-stage filtration unit fits conveniently under the kitchen sink so you don’t have to worry about taking up valuable floor or counter space. In just a day, you can transform your tap water and remove elements like unwanted minerals, lead, and chlorine.
Why Choose Reverse Osmosis?
RO filtration systems are some of the most popular options for business and homes, and are a great alternative to bottled water. This method of water purification utilizes intense pressure to force water molecules through a tight membrane, eliminating any contaminants found in Alabama tap water. Say goodbye to:
- Lead
- Nitrates
- Sodium
- Copper
- Fluoride
- Arsenic
Industries Served
Serving Business Throughout Alabama
Everyone deserves great-tasting water and we are here to serve you! We love working with all industries no matter how small or large your business is we can help you and your staff enjoy fresh-tasting water.
MedicalOffer the best in bottleless water and ice technology for a pure hydration option.
HotelsProvide guests with that delicate, chewable ice they crave.
GymsMake your gym members happy with unlimited purified water & ice.
WarehousesHard workers deserve great-tasting drinking water to stay hydrated and healthy.
DentalYour dental practice relies on DI water for dental cleanings and tool sanitization.
OfficesKeep employees hydrated and motivated all day long with a new bottleless water cooler.