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4 Common Misconceptions about water softeners


Most people know that water softeners offer many benefits to your home and your happiness. They protect your home’s plumbing from hard water buildup, extend the life of your water heater due to limescale which is usually present in city water supplies, help home appliances (such as washing machines and dishwashers) perform better, and they offer many benefits for skin and hair. However, there are many misconceptions about how water softeners function and may have adverse effects on your health. We will address a few of the most common misconceptions in this blog.

  1. There is a belief that water softeners cause your water to leave a slimy residue on your skin. In truth, the softened water allows your body to release its own natural oils, leaving you with healthy, soft skin…naturally. Hard water causes soap residue to build up on your skin, just like your shower door and bathtub. Your skin cannot release its natural oils because this soap residue clogs your pores. When you shower with soft water, the soap dissolves better allowing your skin to breathe and function the way it is designed to do.
  1. Do water softeners remove important minerals from your water which could lead to deficiencies in your diet? Where it is true that softeners remove minerals such as calcium and magnesium from the water supply, it is also true that only a small fraction of our daily mineral supply comes from the water that we drink. By far, the majority of the daily allowance of vitamins and minerals that your body needs come from our food. Eating a well-balanced diet is and has always been the best way to ensure you are getting your daily allowance of vitamins and minerals.
  1. Is there a concern that water softeners add levels of sodium to the water that could be unhealthy? The fact is, the level of sodium added to softened water is extremely low and does not pose health concerns. The Mayo clinic has cited that the level of sodium found in softened water is considered very low by the FDA. Water softeners commonly use salt to regenerate or “clean” itself during a regeneration process. Because of this, a very small amount of sodium resides in the softened water. Where using salt is a very cost-effective means of softening the water, it is not the only option. We also offer softeners that use potassium chloride instead of salt.
  1. The last misconception we would like to discuss is that water softeners purify the water. Although water softeners do a great job removing hardness from the water supply, they do not filter or “purify” the water. There are many different options if this is the type of water treatment you are looking for. We offer a variety of water filtration equipment including carbon filters and reverse osmosis systems, which remove harmful contaminants from the water.

If you are interested in having an analysis of your water, we offer complimentary in-home water testing. The best part is that none of our employees receive a commission, so you can be at ease knowing that you can ask questions and not be pressured to buy anything. Call our office today at 205-390-3424 to schedule your appointment. You can also visit our website at for product specifications and pricing.

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